วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Success at Examination For Discovery

Many applicants worry about the test for the discovery. The truth is, this is an important part of your case. It is the first time you hear the opposing lawyer directly. Not only does the attorney get an idea of the strength of your case on the facts you describe, is based, but the lawyer will look at how strong you are as a witness. Nevertheless, a little practice and preparation will go a long way to success in the exam.

What is the testDiscovery?

It's easy affidavit (questions and answers given) before a court reporter, usually in the office, a court reporter. The plant is usually as a conference room. In general, all lawyers are involved in the present case. At the end of the examination, a transcript is often prepared. The transcription is a literal version of that was said during the examination.

Why do you test for Discovery?

There are three main reasons why the party's lawyerShe wants to be tested. First, as already mentioned, the lawyer and his client want to size you are as a witness. How will the jury like you?

Secondly, they want to hear your version of the facts, straight from your mouth.

Third, they want you to commit your story. Because you are sworn evidence, if you want to change your answers at the hearing, you are in the cross against it, what you said when considering investigated for the discovery. This will be accused of being ". It hurts your Credibility if your story is not consistent.

As you can successfully test for Discovery?

(1) Tell the truth. The attorneys and investigators, you are dealing with very smart and very experienced. It is unlikely that you will not get with the exaggeration or otherwise tell the truth. Means in a personal injury case, you must admit that in the past, incidents or injuries or medical conditions, and you must not exaggerate your injuries.

(2) Stay focused. Some> Attorneys are aggressive. You have no doubt that this is a formal legal procedure. Other lawyers, but they are warm and friendly. Do not be deceived into thinking this is a casual conversation. They are there to answer the specific questions asked and no more. At intervals you should not talk about everything personal presence of the opposing attorney. No exceptions. Nothing is said the discovery "off the record".

(3) Listen to the questions. Do not answer a question that youdo not understand. Do not start answering the question through a portion of the road. If you answer no longer posed as a question. If you listen to the question, these rules are fairly simple.

What Do You Do If You Do not Know the answer to a question?

She replied: "I do not know." It is perfectly acceptable to say to the examiner that you do not know the answer to the question. "Discovery" is not a memory test. And above all, you do not have to guess an answer. Sometimes it is permissible to approximate.For example, this is acceptable if you are a car's estimated speed and distance. Just be sure to clarify that it is an estimate.

What does your lawyer Do While You Being be investigated?

Your own lawyer will ensure that you are treated fairly during the discovery. For example, will they make objections to the questions that are objectionable. If your lawyer does not object, you should answer the question. Unfortunately, in a personal injury case is subject to questions you are askedcan be about pretty personal. Even your sex life can be an appropriate topic in many cases. Be confident that your lawyer makes all the legitimate objections.

You can not have a private conversation with the lawyer during your examination for discovery. It is simply not allowed.

The main thing is your lawyer during your study plan, what else is on the case performed. Often the discovery highlight areas that fill with content. Your lawyer is alist of these areas and planning the next steps.

I hope this information has given you an overview of what to expect during your examination for discovery.

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