วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Worry About Medicare Liens Even in the Little Cases

West Virginia, lawyer Paul Harris is learning the hard way that you do not mess with Uncle Sam's efforts to get reimbursement of Medicare payments dependent.

Harris client was injured by a defective ladder. Harris sued the retailer from the ladder and settled for $ 25,000. Medical expenses for the injury analysis was paid by Medicare to change in the amount of $ 22,000 and. Medicare was never reimbursed by Harris or its clients.

The Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices (CMS) launched enforcement, namely, a federal court action against Attorney Harris to receive reimbursement. The case is up in the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. Mr. Harris presented a request for dismissal on the grounds that as a lawyer for the Medicare beneficiary, he is not obliged to protect the interest of Medicare and is not liable for failing to reimburse Medicare. The judge scheduled to accept the case.

U.S. District Court JudgeFrederick Stamp, Jr., Harris refused to move "on 13 November 2008. In his written opinion decided Stamp judge that an attorney be held individually liable under 42 USC § 1395y (b) (2) if he or she will distribute settlement funds can not satisfy an existing Medicare reimbursement claims.

The court cited with approval the language of 42 CFR Section 411.24 (g), which provides for Medicare, that any entity that receives payment from a primary contractor, including the beneficiaries can recover amedical provider, a supplier, a physician, a state agency, a private insurer or lawyer. Mr. Harris is a lawyer. When the supervisor sent to retailers (the primary to a client as soon as they paid the settlement) to examine the accounts, Mr. Harris and distributes the proceeds were to check that Mr. Harris was an attorney fee. He thus became an entity, the payment received from a primary payer, making him personally liable to Medicare.

The moral of the story: Even the small casesrequire care in handling Medicare liens and attorneys can not leave it up to someone else deal with the issue.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Ostracized Bush Bob Shoes for the Intense Mouth to Mouth Kissing Seen Disgusting With a Kurd in Iraq

Bush makes surprise rally troops in Afghanistan cease when making win over visiting troops in Iraq, Bush surprised us on a visit to Kabul, Afghanistan, says Busch car bailout not ready, it signals the "possibility of use of automobile manufacturers plan to rescue Bush stops in Bush visits Afghanistan Afghanistan Bush visits Iraq, Bush departs flying shoes: abrupt auto bankruptcy could devastate the economy Bush: Iraq withdrawal would be Bush's failure last visit to Iraq marked gains have meant to feel contempt for true car manufacturer ...


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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hurley Law Firm Car Crash Book Norfolk, Virginia

Before you with an insurance company or another lawyer to get the FREE Book on What You Need To Know About Car Crashes Virginia. Property damage. Car Insurance


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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Arlington Virginia Injury Lawyer Is a Cyclist and Can ...

Bruce Deming has a competitive advantage for cyclists for 20 years and runs hundreds of miles a week. There is a tremendous increase of bicycles on the road. If you have an accident, make sure you are in order, the names and addresses of witnesses to the accident, all the statements that you say about the accident and take pictures of the accident site to be careful. Make sure you speak with a lawyer who understands the cyclist. Contact Bruce S. Deming at 1-866-374-1191 or brucedeming.com ...


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Virginia Car Accident Book: What You Need To Know

Jim Hurley Attorney Car Wreck Book Author: What do you do if your in a car accident? 1757-455-0077, hurleylawfirm.com


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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Law Firm In DC, Virginia and Maryland Helps Those ...

Lewis & Tompkins represents the families of injured or killed by intoxicated drivers. To receive financial damages by a drunk driver when he or she submitted an injury or death, a civil action against the negligent party and their insurance causes. Lewis & Tompkins helps families in Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland, file and prosecute civil lawsuits against drunk drivers to obtain financial compensation for the violation obtained. If you are in an accident call us at 202-296-0666 ....


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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

DC Area Accident Attorney Discusses Bicycle Personal Injury

If you are on a bike and are hit by a car, you knew that you can win your personal injury benefits, even if you are not in your car? And the car that will hit you needed to personal injury benefits for you here as well. When you call your insurance claim to, they will tell you that you can not cover, and this is the other person's fault ... This is not the case to be made. Your personal injury services on you if you hit by a car, whether you travel by car,...


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Virginia Injury Lawyer Treats Every Client and Case As ...

My philosophy is to treat every customer as if I were the client and every case as if it were my case. As long as I maintain that I always know that each client has the kind of representation that they deserve and get them. Contact Bruce S. Deming at 1-866-374-1191 or brucedeming.com


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

I Don't Care What the Judge Said!

"Look, Mr. Straun, John, I can also call John?" We've been at this for 25 days on the road. We are all sick of it. We all want to go home. You're still the only one left. You're the one keep us here. I do things at home. I go to work and earn their living. to do all of us. The judge is mad as hell at us. You will hang this jury. go here make three-month trial a farce and waste of time. They have no right to vote acquittal. You heard the judge's instructions.The jury is not allowed to judge the law, only the facts. "

"The fact than during the day, is not it?" Dillard ranted. "She acknowledged that his was for us. The man was found with marijuana in his car. It's against the law. And the man removed the marijuana. What you'll need," said Raymond Dillard, the jury foreman. Raymond Dillard was tall, strong, in the 30s, and he was angry, so angry, he wanted the head of John the Baptist's Straun on strike

Straun was asmall, slender man in his 30s, with your back straight, dark brown hair, large, steady eyes and a firm mouth. He did not seem at all the trouble he caused to care. And he seemed fearless.

John Straun said, "I do not care what the judge said. I happen to know for a fact that a jury has the right to know and judge the law. Jury nullification has a long history in this country. A jury has the right to judge the law, not just the facts. "

Raymond Dillard and a few othersJurors scornfully. Dillard said, "Oh, you're a lawyer, Mr. Straun? You think you know more than the judge, what history are you talking about?"

John Straun said calmly, "No, I am not a lawyer. I'm an engineer. But in this particular case, I know more than the judge. When I learned I was to be on this jury, I did a little research on the history the jury, just for the hell of it. Most people do not know, but jury nullification has been confirmed as a sacred lawEntities in English common law since 1000 years. Alfred the Great, a great English king a thousand years ago, hung several of his own judges, because they could be condemned, rejected the jurors and replaced these courageous jurors with other jurors, they removed in order that the defendants intimidated in court. "

"Jury cancellation occurs even at the beginning of our country as one of the most important rights that our founding fathers wanted to protect. Our founding fathers wanted juries tothe last bulwark against the tyrannical government laws. Therefore, they have emphasized the right to a trial in three of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. John Adams, second president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, third President and author of the Declaration of Independence, John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, First Secretary of the Treasury stated flatly that all juries have the right and the duty to assess not only the facts ina case, but also the right, according to their conscience. "

"Not only that, but recent court decisions have reaffirmed this right. In 1969, in" U.S.. vs. Moylan, "The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the right of the jury on the law in a case to judge. In 1972, Washington, DC Court of Appeals confirmed essentially the same."

Raymond Dillard said, "Yes, if that's the case, how come the judge did not tell us that?"

"This is because of the despicable SupremeCourt to rule in "Sparf and Hansen vs. The United States in 1895." Straun said John. "The decision said jury has the right to judge the law, but that a judge will not be informed of this right to juries. Cute, huh? And guess what happens after this decision? Judge stopped to tell juries of their rights .

"The judge knows the jury nullification. All the judges decide to do. But let them hate juries, the law. They hate the power of juries away from them. For this reason,Judge never mentioned the right to a jury to judge the right to say, most judges and counsel to squash anything about it in court. Remember when Jimmy Saunders' defense began to talk about it? The judge threatened him with contempt if he is not included on the jury nullification. "

"And since you asked me," Straun continued, "I will tell you a little more about jury nullification. Have you ever heard of the Act, Fugitive Slave? Have you ever Prohibition? Haveknow why these laws were atrocious be lifted? Because juries were so outraged by these laws that they consistently refused to people who convert them hurt. They refused to condemn them, because they knew that these laws were unjust and tyrannical, that Congress had no right to have these laws in the first place. So, because juries would not condemn the government could not keep these laws. They tried for many years but gave up eventually. "

"What do you think this insane war againstDrugs is that we have struggled the last sixty years? It is the same as Prohibition in the 20s. It's the same principle. A tyrannical government tells people that they have no drugs, just like in the 20s said that the people do not drink alcohol. What is the difference? A tyrannical law tells people what they can or not put in their own bodies. Who owns our bodies, us or the self-righteous politicians? Has the Government's own body, Mr. Dillard? Do you smoke,Mr. Dillard? Did you drink beer? "

Dillard nodded: "Yes, I do."

"Well, how would you like it if they tell you laws that do not smoke or drink a beer, be passed. If you want, Mr. Dillard?

Dillard, John Straun was thinking about the question then was: "No, I do not want Straun."

John Straun turned to the other around the table. "Hey, Jack, you said you are sixty-five. You want to play golf, right? What if theyadopted a law that says you can not play golf over sixty-five, because the exercise might give him a heart attack? You, Frank, you said you eat hamburgers at McDougal's all the time. What if they passed a law saying people heart attacks greasy hamburgers, so we are closed all the McDougal restaurants in the country and make it a crime to eat a hamburger? You, Mrs. Pelchat, I see you like to smoke. Everyone knows that smoking may have lung cancer. How would you likewhen they passed a law banning all cigarettes? What if they were in the door of your house without a warrant for the search for cigarettes in your house crash, as do the SWAT team now on the lookout for drugs? Mrs. Pelchat, how you want to be in court like Jimmy Saunders because they have a pack of cigarettes that you found hiding under the mattress? "

"You know, see everything, what I mean?" If they can not smoke it a crime for Jimmy Saunders marijuana, why do not they make golf, hamburgers and cigarettesa crime? If you think they would not try again. They had Prohibition in the 20s for almost ten years until they finally abandoned. The only reason she is not banned cigarettes, because it would be screaming thirty million smokers in this country, the bloody murder are. You do away with marijuana and other illicit drugs only because drug users are a small minority in this country. Drug users have no political influence. "

Raymond Dillard sat down in hisChair. The others talked among themselves. John Straun started seeing heads nodding in agreement, thinking about what he had said.

"OK, Straun," said Dillard. "Maybe you're right. Maybe Jimmy Saunders should not go to jail for smoking marijuana. Hell, probably most of us tried the stuff when we were young." Clinton said, he said, smoking marijuana at school. Bush he tried drugs in the school. Probably half of Congress and their children took drugs one time or another. OK, weagree with you. But what about the judges. He said we can not judge the law. "

John Straun stood up. He was not a great man, but he stood very straight, and he looked very confident. He looked from one to another of them.

He said: "If you agree, then I ask you all to vote for acquittal. They are not only defending liberty Jimmy Saunders' but your own. You are fighting a tyrannical law that a judge, the power wants you to check is enforced. I told you thatmany juries, as we have in the past, the judge's instructions not observed. They have opted for freedom against a tyrannical law. Are you Americans here? What do you especially to know! Ue more, your liberty, your pride as free men, or the instructions of a judge who does not want you to judge the law, precisely because he knows you will find the law unjust? Are you with the juries who are defending our freedom in the past, or enter into this judge? "

"Here is something else to thinkover, "said John Straun with passion." What if your sister or brother in court here? Is you know that when we say Saunders guilty, the judge sent him to twenty years in prison? I understand this is Saunders third possession charge. You know the "three strikes and you're out" rule, is not it? The politicians passed a law that if a man is convicted three times for the storage, the judge has now no leeway in sentencing. Now he has the poor guy twenty years inPrison. What if your sister or brother in court? Should they go to jail for smoking marijuana, doing something that no crime should be in the first place? Do we want to send Jimmy Saunders to twenty years in prison because he was smoking a joint to hurt anyone? Can you have on your conscience? "

"You know, that almost one million people like Jimmy Saunders in prison right now, as we speak, for just this so-called" crime "of smoking marijuana ortaking other medicines? These men were sent to prison for mere possession. They harm no one but themselves if they took drugs. How can a crime without a victim? When will this horror stop? It must have an end. I ask you now, all we can to stop it here, at least for Jimmy Saunders. The only thing that can stop tyrannical laws and policies, are you and me, juries like us. If we do nothing, we have lost, is lost the land. "

"I ask you all not to bring in a guilty -Verdict, because the drug laws are unjust and a moral obscenity. I ask all of you are the kind of Americans would have been proud of our founding fathers, the same men who fought for your freedom. I ask of you all. "

John Straun sat down and looked quietly Dillard and all the others around the table. She looked at him, and it appeared that began to establish their backs, and they no longer about complaining to go home. They were quiet. Thenspoke passionately to each other.

Fifteen minutes later she walked into the room and sat in the jury. When the judge Raymond Dillard, as the verdict was that he was surprised when Dillard, standing up, saw the judge asked, said: "Not guilty." In the furious tirades of the red-faced judge who saw all quiet in the jury box at John Straun, and was proud to be Americans.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Success at Examination For Discovery

Many applicants worry about the test for the discovery. The truth is, this is an important part of your case. It is the first time you hear the opposing lawyer directly. Not only does the attorney get an idea of the strength of your case on the facts you describe, is based, but the lawyer will look at how strong you are as a witness. Nevertheless, a little practice and preparation will go a long way to success in the exam.

What is the testDiscovery?

It's easy affidavit (questions and answers given) before a court reporter, usually in the office, a court reporter. The plant is usually as a conference room. In general, all lawyers are involved in the present case. At the end of the examination, a transcript is often prepared. The transcription is a literal version of that was said during the examination.

Why do you test for Discovery?

There are three main reasons why the party's lawyerShe wants to be tested. First, as already mentioned, the lawyer and his client want to size you are as a witness. How will the jury like you?

Secondly, they want to hear your version of the facts, straight from your mouth.

Third, they want you to commit your story. Because you are sworn evidence, if you want to change your answers at the hearing, you are in the cross against it, what you said when considering investigated for the discovery. This will be accused of being ". It hurts your Credibility if your story is not consistent.

As you can successfully test for Discovery?

(1) Tell the truth. The attorneys and investigators, you are dealing with very smart and very experienced. It is unlikely that you will not get with the exaggeration or otherwise tell the truth. Means in a personal injury case, you must admit that in the past, incidents or injuries or medical conditions, and you must not exaggerate your injuries.

(2) Stay focused. Some> Attorneys are aggressive. You have no doubt that this is a formal legal procedure. Other lawyers, but they are warm and friendly. Do not be deceived into thinking this is a casual conversation. They are there to answer the specific questions asked and no more. At intervals you should not talk about everything personal presence of the opposing attorney. No exceptions. Nothing is said the discovery "off the record".

(3) Listen to the questions. Do not answer a question that youdo not understand. Do not start answering the question through a portion of the road. If you answer no longer posed as a question. If you listen to the question, these rules are fairly simple.

What Do You Do If You Do not Know the answer to a question?

She replied: "I do not know." It is perfectly acceptable to say to the examiner that you do not know the answer to the question. "Discovery" is not a memory test. And above all, you do not have to guess an answer. Sometimes it is permissible to approximate.For example, this is acceptable if you are a car's estimated speed and distance. Just be sure to clarify that it is an estimate.

What does your lawyer Do While You Being be investigated?

Your own lawyer will ensure that you are treated fairly during the discovery. For example, will they make objections to the questions that are objectionable. If your lawyer does not object, you should answer the question. Unfortunately, in a personal injury case is subject to questions you are askedcan be about pretty personal. Even your sex life can be an appropriate topic in many cases. Be confident that your lawyer makes all the legitimate objections.

You can not have a private conversation with the lawyer during your examination for discovery. It is simply not allowed.

The main thing is your lawyer during your study plan, what else is on the case performed. Often the discovery highlight areas that fill with content. Your lawyer is alist of these areas and planning the next steps.

I hope this information has given you an overview of what to expect during your examination for discovery.

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

FAQ's on Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawsuits Against the US Military

Below are some frequently asked questions about the rights of people injured or families whose loved one is while serving in the U.S. armed forces killed:

Can I sue in the U.S. (including the military and the federal government), if I'm injured or my loved one is killed in the active duty military service?
You can not occur about a lawsuit against the United States for injuries or deaths during the active duty military service. The United States is protected by "sovereign immunity";That means the U.S. can not be sued occur during active duty service if the U.S. agrees to refer the case or otherwise waived its immunity for any events.

Can I sue the U.S. if I am injured or my loved one is during the active military duty because of mistakes or accidents, which killed by the military?
The United States is protected from claims for personal injury or death that occur during the active duty military service, even if the risk of injuries because of mistakes by the military. The Feres Doctrineprevents claims made by active duty service members, even if the military has acted negligently. For example, if you are injured, because the military can not operate erroneously, to notify you about a dangerous condition in active service, as to warn the presence of radioactive material involved, you do not sue the United States

What if the errors or accidents are caused by other service members?
The Feres Doctrine prevents any action against defaulting members, and service. For example, if youdo not complain can be violated, since a military electricians installed faulty wiring on the basis that a fire would be started, either the U.S. or the military electrician. The same holds true for active duty service members injured through the fault of a military doctor.

What if the errors or accidents are caused by military contractors?
Active and inactive service members are usually able to military contractors who are sued for negligence. Since the action is brought against an individual orCompanies, but as the U.S., are not considered as upholding Feres doctrine and sovereign immunity. So, if produced a weapon or a parachute, etc. that you will be during the active service of a military contractor that breaks due to faulty construction and hurt, then you can sue for injury or even death.

What happens if I no longer in active service, but I'm hurt to do something that is the military or the federal government?
The U.S. has its waiver of sovereign immunityActions in some cases when service members are no longer in active service (and sometimes even if you) on holiday, usually this happens when you are due to the negligence of a federal employee who performs that are not made specifically state violated. For example, if a physician at the Veteran's Administration (VA) hospital, an error that you are injured, you should be able to bring a lawsuit against the U.S. This type of action is permitted by the government under the FederalTort Claims Act.

If I sue the United States, it is a time limit?
Yes. You must have your application within the "statute of limitations file", and you must give the government proper "notice." When you make your claim, within two years from the date you knew or ought to know or have known about the negligence, you will be within the limitation period. They meet the requirements of notice, if you file a Standard Form 95 and shall be in writing, the dollar amount you are looking for your injuries. No one followsThese two policies, we will dismiss your application.

What happens if my family are by U.S. military or the government's measures violated?
The protection, for the United States against claims by active duty service members and not to the families of service members. When a military family member is due to the negligence of the injured, the military, a federal employee or service member, he or she is suing usually in a position to the USA for example, if one spouse is injured becauseNegligence by a military doctor, he or she should bring in a position to a process.

What happens if I by military or federal government action violated, but I'm not a member of the military?
As military family members when a member of the public from military or government actions that have violated the state for protection from lawsuits do not. Like all of the above situations, it is crucial to consult a lawyer with federal experience expert and a successful track recordto discuss your personal situation.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Virginia Car Auto Accident Injury Lawyer

If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, the Norfolk, Virignia accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC are available for an immediate case review. Car accidents from distracted and drunk drivers cause serious injuries and death every day across the state of Virginia. Careless drivers of cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles injure innocent accident victims. Contact our attorneys today for a free consultation. Call TOLL FREE 1-877-544-5323...


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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Chicago Car Accident Lawyers

As with other margins, it is in a car accident, a situation that we would not expect all in. This is essential to a claim against the driver, the file is negligent and caused the accident involved. The services of a skilled Chicago lawyer should be hired to obtain justice.

Like other states in the U.S., the laws in Chicago relatively similar to those of other states. In Chicago, there is a procedure to determine the carelessnessinvolved in a car accident in Chicago. These require the driver to observe all the rules to prevent a Chicago car accident. It is expected the driver that they pay attention to the road and other drivers and non-compliance with this could result in a car accident because of negligence. A car accident lawyer helps managing the liabilities arising from such carelessness.

The services of a lawyer may be neededTo prove that the other driver was in Chicago in a car accident a little careless. This problem can be extremely complex, particularly if the accident led to the driver or the passenger of the vehicle for serious injuries. A lawyer will help prove that the petitioner had suffered physical injury or psychological trauma in a car accident. Lawyers are more skilled at cutting through the unwanted details and focusing on facts, relying on theJustice, on behalf of a client. They are qualified enough for the successful implementation of an action and damages.

Browsing through the local newspapers or check the Yellow Pages is the first step towards an appropriate lawyer in Chicago. With the introduction of the Internet, information about Chicago Accident Attorneys is also available online. It is important to find out and make sure that the lawyer recruited by one, finally, the services, has successfullyrepresented many cases of car accidents in Chicago. Experience with the laws of the State of Chicago and a general comfort level with regard to the ease of communication are some of the other factors that must be considered when selecting an auto accident lawyer.

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